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Contact: Shawn O'Connor, Sales Representative, AACI, Hon.B.Comm. 705-641-1789,, Enjoy Musoka Realty Inc. Brokerage
(Canada) GPS Co-ordinates: N45 05 20.1 W78 12 23.0
About Farquhar Lake
Farquhar Lake is located north of Wilberforce off Highway 648 in Haliburton County, Ontario, Canada. The perimeter of the Lake is 13.7 km. Maximum depth is 171 ft. and the average depth is 60 ft. The water level is regulated by a dam at the south end of the lake. A public boat launch is located at the end of Buxton Road (off Hwy 648). Major fish species include smallmouth bass, lake trout and yellow perch.
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Road maps and satellite photos of Farquhar Lake and surrounding area can be seen on Google maps.
Haliburton is a county of Ontario, Canada, known as a tourist and cottage area in Central Ontario for its scenery and for its resident artists. Minden Hills is the county seat.
The Corporation of the United Townships of Dysart, Dudley, Harcourt, Guilford, Harburn, Bruton, Havelock, Eyre and Clyde is a municipality in Haliburton County in Central Ontario, Canada. The north shore of Faquhar Lake is in Harcourt.
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